Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Environmental Ethics Artifact

I chose this picture as my artifact of environmental ethics because of the different interpretations I saw when I looked at it. The picture is supposed to represent man's eternal struggle with nature. However, I believe it almost looks as if the man, while toppling the tree, is actually embracing it, as if for a hug. I saw two separate relations for this. The first relation is the two main attitudes of man towards nature currently. Many people continue to believe in destroying the nature and harvesting the woods to spread civilization, which the man toppling the tree represents. However, many others believe in preserving nature and keeping it from falling, which the man embracing the tree represents. Another outlook on the scene is what most people believe today versus what they need to think. Again, the man toppling the tree represents the majority that believe nature must be beaten, while the man embracing the tree represents what we should be thinking, that nature must be preserved, in order to protect the environment and the world for future generations.

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